The Tuddenham Road Dental Surgery | Children at Tuddenham Road Dental Surgery

All children up to and including the age of 18 and in full time education are seen on the NHS.



We welcome children at Tuddenham Road Dental Surgery. All children up to and including the age of 18 and in full time education are seen on the NHS.

Parents are encouraged to bring children from the age of 2 for their introduction appointment to allow us to start building a relationship with the little ones. There is nothing like a ride on the magic chair and a sticker to help create a positive experience. If there are concerns before the age of 2yrs, book an appointment as soon as possible.

Nowhere is the philosophy of “prevention is better than cure” more applicable than with the dental care of children. Establishing good brushing habits in conjunction with a low sugar and acid diet can help a child to develop a set of strong healthy teeth that can serve them for a lifetime.

Our main objective is to help educate children so that they can avoid the number one preventable disease that plagues modern society namely tooth decay. At every check up appointment we inspect the teeth for signs of decay, scrutinise the gums for any abnormalities. We look at the how the jaws are developing and make a judgement whether referral for orthodontic treatment is appropriate.

If the oral hygiene needs some attention we will give brushing instructions and demonstrations.

We look forward to meeting and caring for your children all through their formative years in a friendly and safe environment.